The Problem: | |
Is (20102011!)2 greater than
The solution:
The answer is yes; indeed, the contest is not even
close. Bašić's computer determined that (20102011!)2 has more than
276 × 106 digits while 2010201120102011 has fewer than 147
× 106 digits — about half as many! Robinson observed that already
when n = 3, (3!)2
> 33 (that is, 36 > 27), and he proved that
(n!)2 grows faster than nn for n > 2. We received a splendid
variety of proofs, with some correspondents sending us several arguments. The
record came from D. Kipp Johnson who enjoyed the challenge so much, he sent us
seven proofs! (His exact words were, "You’ve robbed me of too many
hours of sleep on this one.") We will present four of his proofs, supplementing
his work with a fifth proof from Singhal and Golfman, plus nice ideas from
everybody else. The prize for simplicity goes to the first proof, while the
prize for originality goes to the fifth. Proof #1 An elementary inequality. We first observe that for 1 ≤ k ≤ n,
k · (n - (k - 1)) = n + (k - 1)(n - k) ≥ n,
with equality when k = 1 or k = n, and a strict
inequality when 1 < k < n. Thus for all integers
n > 2,We claim that (n!)2 > nn for n ≥ 3. By calculation we have (3!)2 = 36 and 33 = 27; thus (n!)2 > nn when n = 3. This is the base case. Now assume the claim for n = k; namely, (k!)2 > kk for some k ≥ 3. It is known (and we provide a simple proof in the next paragraph) that
Comment. Because
The children's form of Stirling’s Approximation of n! states
which establishes that (20102011!)2 >
Proof #4 Riemann Sum estimate of an
integral. (We use Matthew Lim's version here.)
If n > e2, then ln n -2 > 0 and
Comment. This proof is essentially the same as Proof #3, except here we
tacitly proved the elementary form of Stirling's formula without stating
As a bonus, here is one approach that Johnson seems to have overlooked. This
argument came from Madan Mohan Singhal; Bruce Golfman provided a similar
proof.Proof #5 The arithmetic-geometric mean. The sequence has n – 1 terms, which are distinct when n > 2. Its arithmetic mean is and its geometric mean is Because for sequences of distinct elements the arithmetic mean is always greater than the geometric mean, we deduce that for n > 2,
math central
2013년 10월 23일 수요일
Is (20102011!)2 greater than 2010201120102011?
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