How does a scientist/physicist map ideas and concepts into/onto mathematics? Are there a sequence of steps? If one starts with a mathematical model I can sort of see how using deduction, induction etc….
And what about the case where there is no mathematical model? How does ideas concepts get from mind to math/formulas? What is the “dirty work” that goes on behind the scenes?
Physicist: It’s hard to
imagine most of the goings on in the world being turned into math. Generally
when “math” is brought up, most of us think of arithmetic, which really doesn’t do a whole lot on
its own. The majority of the interesting stuff in the world involves stuff much
more fancy. There’s already a lot of mathematical structures out there (calculus
and topology and all kinds of stuff) so, when you can, you find one that’s
familiar and see if it fits. Otherwise you just create new maths.
Here’s how it starts: you tinker about with something until you notice a pattern. Then you make up symbols that allow you to write down those patterns. Then you see what the repercussions are.
For example: “***”, “ggg”, and “@@@”, all have something in common. So, make up a symbol: “3″. Make up some more symbols for other similar patterns and you’ve got the natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, …
Now you can start making up symbols to describe all the reasonable things you can do with numbers: “
2+3=5. Any questions you may have about the properties
of "+" should be directed to the appropriate diagram.
Here’s where the abstraction starts. New symbols come as part of a package that includes rules. Generally by staring at the situation you can pull the rules out. For example, by looking at the picture above you’ll notice that it doesn’t matter which group on the left side is first, so: 2+3=3+2. Holy crap! Commutativity!
Now you can start poking the rules to see how far they bend. If they bend too far, you may find yourself in need of new symbols and rules. For example: What happens if you subtract a larger number from a smaller number? What if you add three or more numbers together instead of just two? Keep up this line of questions and pretty soon you get parentheses, primes, rational numbers, all kinds of stuff.
As often as not, new ideas, symbols, and rules are created because they are needed, as opposed to being found (like the picture above). For example: you can get from the natural numbers (1,2,3,..) to the rational numbers (2/3, 17/5, …) by merely asking some very reasonable questions about division. But the rational numbers have “gaps” (like
What’s surprising, from a philosophical point of view, is that the rules that apply in one place apply in others. Which is really nice, because then the rules and symbols that have been found in one area can immediately be applied in another.
Calculus, which only works on continuous things (like the real numbers), applies very well to describing fluid flow, despite the fact that fluids aren’t continuous (they’re made of atoms). Even weirder; most quantum mechanical systems share a lot of properties in common with complex numbers. So as QM was first being fleshed out it already had a couple hundred years of complex analysis to build on.
Don’t be deceived by the notion that the field of mathematics is dominated by numbers. Keeping with the idea of 1) find a pattern, 2) make up a symbol and some rules, and 3) run with it: here are some other fields of math that have very little to do with numbers.
Geometry: That’s right, geometry. It doesn’t really need numbers, it’s just taught that way. You start with “two points make a line” and out pops about a thousand years of Greek history.
Algebra (group theory): This is the entirely abstract study of “there’s stuff, and things can happen to that stuff”.
To be more rigorous, and
to actually get stuff done, it primarily considers “groups“,
which have more structure than just “there’s stuff”.
theory: The study of dots, and the lines that connect them. If you’ve
spent any time doodling,
there’s a good chance you accidentally did some graph theory. One simple result
is: Any graph where every “vertex” has an even number of “edges” connected to it
can be drawn completely without ever picking up your pen or repeating a
Starting anywhere on this graph you can draw the whole
thing without lifting your pen, or repeating lines, because every vertex
connects to an even number of edges.
Topology: You usually hear
about this in the context of “coffee mugs and donuts”. This covers stuff like Mobius
strips, and tori, to really weird stuff like projective
planes. Try this: take two Mobius strips and glue their edges to
each other. If you did it right you should have a Klein bottle. Also, you
can’t do it right because we don’t live in 4 or more dimensions.
Another result from the wide and weird world of algebraic topology!
This includes stuff like: “If P, then Q” is equivalent to “If not Q, then not
P”. Surprisingly useful stuff, and it started with someone sitting down and
making up rules and symbols (specifically: George
Boole). By the way, he would have written this last statement,
theory: Knot logic is logic nonetheless (suck on that, logicians!).
This is seriously alien math that takes the frustration of tangled string, and
kicks it up a notch. Knot theory also borrows some of the machinery from
polynomials (despite having nothing to do with polynomials themselves) to form
the various forms of knot
The "Reidemeister Moves" from knot theory are an
example of what passes for algebra over there. Ever twist or untwist a rubber
band? Now it's got a name: R1.
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