2014년 5월 27일 화요일

'저자는 무슨 생각했을까'…독후감 작성 습관을

곧 여름방학에 돌입한다. 과연 3개월에 가까운 이 긴 시간 동안 자녀들에게 무엇을 하게 할 것인가를 고민하는 학부모들을 위해 공통교과과정인 '커먼코어(Common Core)'를 대비한 비소설류 독서 리스트를 정리해 보았다. 올 가을부터 캘리포니아 각 교실에서 시행될 커먼 코어는 현 칼리지보드를 이끌면서 2016년 시행되는 개정 SAT를 설계한 데이비드 콜먼 회장의 작품이기도 하다. 따라서 현 9학년 학생부터 적용될 개정 SAT는 커먼코어의 영어 학습의 중심인 비소설류 독서량이 많이 필요할 것으로 예상된다. 커먼코어와 개정 SAT의 배경은 많은 학생이 대학 진학 후 학과 지식에 필수적인 고난도의 독해 실력을 갖추지 못하고 있다는 지적에 따른 것이다. 독서습관은 저학년부터 시작되어야 유리하다는 점을 인지하고 이번 여름에는 자녀와 읽을 분량을 결정하고, 반드시 독서 후에는 저자의 의도를 바르게 이해했는 지를 스스로 정리해 보는 독후감을 쓰도록 함으로써 가정에서나마 커먼코어에 대비한 읽고 쓰기의 습관을 시작하는 시기로 삼으면 좋겠다.

◆6-8학년 (제목: 저자, 내용)

▶미국역사 (American History)

- Lafayette and the American Revolution: Russell Freedman, A French nobleman helps assure victory at Yorktown.

- The Great Fire: Jim Murphy, Why Chicago's fire of 1871 was one of the most catastrophic in U.S. history.

- Up Before Daybreak: Deborah Hopkinson, Slaves sharecroppers and mill workers tell the story of cotton in America.

- Washington at Valley Forge: Russell Freedman, How American soldiers survived a brutal winter in 1777-78.

▶생물학 관련 (Animals and Biology)

- Baby Mammoth Mummy Frozen in Time!: Bernard Buigues and Christopher Sloan, Out on the frozen Siberian tundra, hunters make a remarkable discovery.

- The Brain: Seymour Simon Digital images accompany an exploration of the many dimensions of this complex organ.

▶ 고고학 (Archaeology)

- Before Columbus: Charles C. Mann, Insights into life in the Americas before Columbus set sail.

- Mammoth Bones and Broken Stones: David L. Harrison, A scientist tracks North America's First People.

▶전기 (Biography)

- Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith: Deborah Heiligman, The story of Charles and Emma Darwin, whose marriage survived conflicting scientific beliefs.

- Lincoln: A Photobiography: Russell Freedman, A chronicle of Lincoln's life is accompanied by analyses of his presidency.

- Restless Spirit: Elizabeth Partridge, The life and work of photojournalist Dorothea Lange, best known for her portraits of the Great Depression.

- Steve Jobs: Thinking Differently: Patricia Lakin, The chronicle of a visionary, entrepreneur and inventor.

▶민권운동 (Civl Rights)

- Freedom Walkers:Russell Freedman, The story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-56.

- Marching for Freedom: Elizabeth Partridge, An account of the children who walked from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 to call attention to discrimination.

- Sojourner Truth: Ain't I a Woman?: Patricia C. McKissack, A biography of the African-American preacher, abolitionist and activist.

- The Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Shot: Jim Haskins, The struggle for civil rights and the gains made since King's death.

▶천연 자원 (Natural Resources)

- Heroes of the Environment: Harriet Rohmer, Twelve environmentalists are profiled.

- Who Wants Pizza?: Jan Thornhill, An entertaining guide to the history, science and culture of food.

▶우주 (Outer Space)

- Night Sky: Giles Sparrow, How stars are born and die, what nebulae are and how comets and asteroids are formed; includes a digital companion book.

- Super Stars: David A. Aguilar, The biggest, hottest, brightest and most explosive stars in the Milky Way.

- When Is a Planet Not a Planet?: Elaine Scott, The 2006 downgrading of Pluto is recounted in accessible prose.

▶고대문명 (Ancient Civilization)

- Ancient Inca: Michael Burgan, The history and daily life of one of the world's greatest civilizations.

- The Emperor's Silent Army: Jane O Connor, An insider's view of the discovery of terracotta warrior statues in northern China in 1974.

▶환경 및 생태계 (Environments and Ecosystems)

- Ocean and Sea: Steve Parker, Sharks, tsunamis, coral reefs, strange-looking fish and more.

- The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming: Cambria Gordon and Laurie David, A kid-friendly discussion about climate change and the environment.


▶동물 (Animals)

- An Extraordinary Life: Laurence Pringle, A monarch butterfly's migratory route from Massachusetts to Mexico.

- Lizards: Nic Bishop, Welcome to the irresistible world of geckos and dragons.

- Owen & Mzee: Craig Hatkoff; Isabelle Hatkoff; Dr. Paula Kahumbu, The true story of a remarkable friendship.

- The Buzz on Bees: Shelley Rotner and Anne Woodhull, Possible explanations for the alarming disappearance of bees.

- The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins: Barbara Kerley, An award-winning picture book about the life of an unusual artist.

▶유명인물 (Famous Americans)

- Bad News for Outlaws: Micheaux Vaunda Nelson, The story of Bass Reeves, a renowned?and feared?Deputy U. S. Marshall.

- The Amazing Life of Benjamin Franklin: James Cross Giblin, A biography of one of America's most innovative and beloved figures.

- What to Do About Alice?: Barbara Kerley, A biography of Theodore Roosevelt's uncoventional and adventurous daughter.

- Worst of Friends: Suzanne Tripp Jurmain, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the story of their feud.

▶태양계 (The Solar System)

- Earth: The Life of Our Planet: Dr. Mike Goldsmith, Stunning images help tell the story of Earth's formation.

- Our Solar System: Seymour Simon, A dramatic tour of a vast and mystifying place whose secrets are still being unlocked.

▶생물학 (Biology)

- Bones: Steve Jenkins, Human and animal skeletons and how they work.

- Dive!: Sylvia A. Earle, The adventures of an undersea explorer and marine biologist.

- Face to Face With Sharks: David Doubilet and Jennifer Hayes, Dramatic underwater photographs take you into shark territory.

- Growing Patterns: Sarah C. Cambell, Exploring the biggest mathematical mystery in nature?Fibonacci numbers.

▶미국역사 (American History)

- And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?: Jean Fritz, Anecdotes and facts shed light on Paul Revere's famous midnight ride.

- The Bill of Rights in Translation: Amie Jane Leavitt, A founding document translated into accessible language.

- The Crossing: Jim Murphy, The gripping tale of George Washington's military prowess during the American Revolution.

- The Signers: Dennis Brindell Fradin, The 56 stories behind the Declaration of Independence.

- Thunder on the Plains: Ken Robbins, The tragic story of the demise of the buffalo.

▶인물 (Extraordinary American)

-Now & Ben: Gene Barretta, The inventive mind of Benjamin Franklin.

- Patience Wright: Peggy Deitz Shea, The story of a widowed mother who became an artist and a spy during the American Revolution.

- When Marian Sang: Pam Munoz Ryan, The story of Marian Anderson and her remarkable voice.

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