2015년 2월 3일 화요일

Home Schooling the Gifted Child

It's said that nearly 90 percent of exceptionally and profoundly gifted children are at least partially homeschooled.  And to be honest, they certainly aren't learning all that in just a few hours a day at school!  That makes us all homeschoolers. 
Many of the issues and concerns of all gifted children apply to home schooled gifted children, but they have a few unique issues of their own.  And the home school community is the group most often found using the services of Mentors, a very valuable addition to the gifted child's education.
So please, read the rest of the site, but stop here for special topics related to Home Schooling gifted children... including Home Schooling itself, from suggestions to Success Stories, and MentorsNotable Homeschoolers lists many successful people from the 1700's to today, in many ways and different fields, who have all been homeschooled at one time or another in their educational career.
Homeschooling aids include Homeschool Curricula that are often recommended by parents of gifted kids, and Curriculum Resources, books of ready-to-use curriculum for instruction and enrichment, Academic Programs for your children to participate in both face-to-face and distance education, Distance Learning Programs to supplement your homeschool curriculum, Products and Publishers to use in their education, and Smart Toys for fun and education.
Don't miss Internet Investigations Recommended, full of free curriculum libraries and individual curriculum units available right on the Internet, (Free) Online High School Courses Recommended, full high school, Honors, AP, or college level courses for acceleration or enrichment for gifted students, Free Online Text Materials and (Free) Materials for Gifted Classrooms, great (free!) educational materials for teachers at home or in school!

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