2015년 2월 3일 화요일

Multiplication (and Other Arithmetic) Links and Products

Multiplication Facts Sites - all free!

bulletA+ Math interactive flashcards for +, -, * and / (requires Java)
bulletAn Adventure in Number Sense Why there are only 13 multiplication facts to memorize
bulletWelcome to Natural Math Click here for more Natural Math
bulletArithmetic City free math worksheets to print and use
bullet BigBrainz Timez Attack Recommended turns times tables into a fun adventure game! (personal free download, or purchase)
bullet Arithmetic Game 2-minute speed drill, solve as many problems as you can (+ - × ÷)
bullet The Brownie Forest Multi-Pies and Skip Counter really help with multiplication!
bulletFreeware Palm Pilot software...
bullet EasyMath 1.0 Multiplication, division, addition & subtraction
bullet Divisible 1.4 Practice the divisibility rules...
bulletInteractive Multiplication Table for our visual learners... enter a fact, and see it displayed on the multiplication table, in full color!
bullet Hooda Math Games, tutorials, worksheets on all arithmetic facts
bulletLearning Multiplication Facts Ask Dr.  Math...
bullet Math Baseball Swing and hit a single (easy), double (medium) or triple (hard) with arithmetic!
bulletThe Math Dude Quick and Dirty Tips Recommended How to Add Quickly, and lots more math tips!
bulletMath Games Space Shuttle, Save the Math Apple, Math Tunnel Blaster (+ - × ÷), and more...
bullet Math Trainer complete a workout every day, and you'll know your facts in no time!  (+ - ×)
bulletMathgym! Click on Mathgym Arcade for great interactive games, including Multiplication Invaders!
bulletMichele's Math Step by step process for learning ALL multiplication facts...
bullet MultiFlyer Navigate the stars through multiplication practice
bullet Multiplication.com Interactive, internet, classroom and computer games, all to learn multiplication facts...
bulletMultiplication MATHO timed bingo with the facts
bulletMultiplying on Fingers How to do 6x6 through 9x9 on your fingers!
bullet Terrific Triangles printable multiplication fact triangles - a new kind of flash card, that makes more sense
bulletThat Quiz Math tests for students, on arithmetic to fractions, time to geometry, and lots more
bulletTrachtenberg Speed System of Arithmetic far superior to the current arithmetic taught in schools and it has been found to increase self confidence and concentration...
bulletXtraMath.org Recommended Free web program to help kids master math facts (+ - × ÷, for school or home, progress reports, non-profit site with no ads)

Multiplication Products for all learning styles!

bullet The 24 Game Recommended tons of great versions, all good for multiplication practice, along with the kind of challenge gifted kids love! Decks listed in order of difficulty...
bulletAdd / Subtract Primer bulletIntegers
bulletMultiply / Divide Primer bulletFractions / Decimals
bulletSingle Digits bulletFactors / Multiples
bulletDouble Digits bulletAlgebra / Exponents
bullet 4 Way Countdown Practice +-*/ skills by using the numbers on the dice. The first to flip over all 10 numbered keys wins this board game...
bullet FlashMaster by FlashMaster, Inc. A toy, a learning tool... both. Replaces flash cards for +-*/ math facts. Optional timer, sounds. Missed problems can be run separately. Change the problem format, put the "variable" in any position. A great tool that's great fun, even for twice exceptional gifted kids... PC Magazine review
Hyper Dash Combine activity with colors, numbers, and simple addition and subtraction; compete solo, up to 4 players head-to-head or 8 players in teams of 2, to figure out which targets to touch in which order.  Targets can be located close by, or far apart, making this a great physical activity, too!
bullet Mad Math cunning game of strategy and calculation...
bullet Math Blaster up-to-date version of the first educational software, learn math facts through interactive games
bulletMath Shark quizzes kids on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, decimals, or percentages with eight skill levels in each category
bulletMath Time Simple arithmetic practice app for your iPhone... written by a couple of pre-teen kids!
Prime Climb Recommended Beautiful, colorful, mathematical board game. Roll the dice and add, subtract, multiply and divide your way to the center of the board, picking up Prime cards and bumping your opponents back to start as you go. The first to land both pawns on 101 wins the game! Everyone can learn to multiply and divide using Prime Climb's unique color coding. Inspire deeper mathematical understanding while mastering arithmetic! Simple enough for kids (ages 10 and up), and dynamic enough for professional mathematicians...
bullet Quarter Mile Math Math practice software...
bullet Quarter Mile Math Level 1 The four operations plus counting, place value, missing number, etc.
bullet Quarter Mile Math Level 3 Decimals, percents, estimation, integer introduction, integers, equation introduction, and equations...
bullet Quarter Mile Math Level 1, 2, and 3 All three levels in one
bullet Schoolhouse Rock! Video and audio products...
bullet Schoolhouse Rock! Special 30th Anniversary Edition - DVD collection featuring ALL the Schoolhouse Rock videos, including those not found in any other collection
bullet Schoolhouse Rock! Box Set Complete audio collection, including Multiplication Rock, Grammar Rock, Science Rock, and America Rock CDs (out of print, sometimes available used)
bullet Multiplication Rock CD Some kids prefer just the audio, songs for their minds, use in the car or at bedtime or anytime!
bullet Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks Recommended Learn neat math tricks to make complex calculations easy, and amaze your friends and yourself.  Amazing tricks to multiply large numbers, memorize digits of pi or any other sequence of numbers, figure squares and cubes almost instantly...
bulletTimes Tables the Fun Way! a fun pictorial method of learning the multiplication facts (also Addition the Fun Way!)
bulletTimes Tales Recommended learn upper times tables in an hour...

Also visit Math for links in Mathematics, Math History, Einstein, and visit Programming for links in Computers and Programming!

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