2014년 2월 7일 금요일

Vieta's Formulas

Let s_i be the sum of the products of distinct polynomial roots r_j of the polynomial equation of degree n
where the roots are taken i at a time (i.e., s_i is defined as the symmetric polynomial Pi_i(r_1,...,r_n)) s_i is defined for i=1, ..., n. For example, the first few values of s_i are
s_1 = r_1+r_2+r_3+r_4+...
s_2 = r_1r_2+r_1r_3+r_1r_4+r_2r_3+...
s_3 = r_1r_2r_3+r_1r_2r_4+r_2r_3r_4+...,
and so on. Then Vieta's formulas states that
The theorem was proved by Viète (also known as Vieta, 1579) for positive roots only, and the general theorem was proved by Girard.
This can be seen for a second-degree polynomial by multiplying out,
a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0 = a_2(x-r_1)(x-r_2)
= a_2[x^2-(r_1+r_2)x+r_1r_2],
s_1 = sum_(i=1)^(2)r_i
= r_1+r_2
= -(a_1)/(a_2)
s_2 = sum_(i,j=1; i!=j)^(2)r_ir_j
= r_1r_2
= (a_0)/(a_2).
Similarly, for a third-degree polynomial,
a_3x^3+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0 = a_3(x-r_1)(x-r_2)(x-r_3)
= a_3[x^3-(r_1+r_2+r_3)x^2+(r_1r_2+r_1r_3+r_2r_3)x-r_1r_2r_3],

s_1 = sum_(i=1)^(3)r_i=-(a_2)/(a_3)
s_2 = sum_(i,j; i<j)^(3)r_ir_j
= r_1r_2+r_1r_3+r_2r_3
= (a_1)/(a_3)
s_3 = sum_(i,j,k; i<j<k)^(3)r_ir_jr_k
= r_1r_2r_3
= -(a_0)/(a_3).


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