2015년 8월 12일 수요일

GED Practice Test 미국검정고시 출제유형

Sample test questions

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Directions: Choose the one best answer to each question.
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the following information.
The history of the world is filled with stories of people migrating. Migration is the movement of people from one place to another as they seek a new home. Famine, overpopulation, limited resources, war, and religious and political persecution "push" immigrants to move to another country. Hopes for employment and a better life "pull" immigrants to new places.
Millions have migrated to North America since the 1600s. Spanish, French, English, and Dutch immigrants were the first European settlers to establish permanent colonies. They settled in lands originally populated by people from Asia. Many people from Africa were driven from their homes at this time to be enslaved to work in colonies in the Americas.
Throughout the 1800s, immigrants looking for employment came to North America from Japan, China, and southeastern Europe. In the 1970s and 1980s, Southeast Asians, Latin Americans, and Caribbeans migrated to North America. Many of these immigrants fled from war-torn countries, political persecution, and economic difficulties.
Question 1: The government of a country may restrict the number of immigrants allowed to enter that country. These restrictions on immigration are most likely based on what belief?
  1. An economy can support unlimited numbers of people.
  2. The “push” factors justify most immigration.
  3. Immigrants enrich the culture of a country.
  4. A country has a limited number of jobs and services.
  5. A government should not interfere with the migration of people.
Question 2: Based on the information, which is an opinion rather than a fact about immigrants to North America? Immigrants…
  1. traveled long distances to find a better life
  2. migrated to find employment
  3. learned to live in a foreign culture
  4. escaped from political persecution
  5. found a better life


Directions: Choose the one best answer to each question.
Question 3: Clay soil forms a fairly effective barrier against the movements of water. It also swells and shrinks significantly as its water content changes. Sandy soil, in contrast, allows water to move freely and does not change shape as the water content varies. In which statement is the appropriate soil selected for its intended site?
  1. Sandy soil would make a good lining for a toxic waste site.
  2. Clay soil would work well in a drain field.
  3. Clay soil would be a good foundation for a large building.
  4. Clay soil would form a good liner if a person built a pond.
  5. A sandy lake bottom would prevent water from seeping out of the lake.
Question 4: A cook decides to recover some table salt that has been completely dissolved in water. Which of the following processes would be the most effective method of extracting salt from the solution?
  1. spinning the solution in a mixer
  2. boiling away the water
  3. pouring the solution through cloth
  4. dripping the solution through a paper filter
  5. bubbling oxygen through the solution


Directions: Choose the one best answer to each question.
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following document:

How Shall Employees Conduct Themselves? 
Guidelines for Conducting Business with Those outside Our Company 
Our employees are the most effective advertisement of our values, beliefs, and abilities. Always keep in mind that when you are acting in your capacity as our employee, you are contributing materially to the public image and the ultimate success of this company.
Gifts for Influence  
No payment or gift of money, goods, or services should be given or received to influence government or business decisions. Accurate and complete records for all accounts will be strictly monitored for everyone’s protection. If it becomes apparent to you in the course of the performance of your business responsibilities that a payment of some kind is expected by your business associate, please contact your division president.
Conflict of Interest    
A conflict of interest can be described as a situation where a person has a vested interest in two areas of the business world that may give him or her an unfair advantage in business dealings. Our employees should be sensitive to any relationship that creates such a relationship—or even creates the appearance of such a relationship.  
Keep these rules in mind:
  • Throughout your employment period, be vigilant about potential conflicts of interest between this company’s interests and your personal or immediate family’s interests.
  • Don’t use your position with this company to obtain a personal benefit of any kind.  
  • Avoid any action or relationship that creates, or even creates the appearance of, a conflict of interest. For example, having an interest in a nonpublic company that competes or does business with our company or any of its affiliates might create the appearance of a conflict of interest and might prompt accusations and/or an investigation.  
This company respects your privacy, as well as your right to conduct your personal affairs without interference; however, you must make prompt, complete, and continuing disclosure of all facts relating to any factual or potential conflict of interest.  
Inquiries or investigations may be undertaken at this company’s direction by its attorneys, investigators, internal auditors, or independent public accountants. Employees should regard this vigilance as the company’s commitment not only to fair competition but also to the protection of its employees. Your cooperation is needed for your protection as well as that of this company, and it is a condition of your employment.

This excerpt is a composite of information from several business documents.
Question 5: Based on the information in this excerpt, what would be the company's policy about accepting gifts or entertainment from people representing your competitors?
Accepting gifts or entertainment from people representing competitors would be considered
  1. dangerous
  2. practical
  3. reasonable
  4. unacceptable
  5. good business
Question 6: Based on the information in this excerpt, when is it permissible to give money that might be considered a bribe or a tip to a government official in order to facilitate business?
  1. It is never permissible to give a gift or other payment to influence government or business decisions.
  2. It may be necessary in certain foreign countries where it is expected.
  3. Payments to government officials can be made at any time with prior approval of the division president.
  4. Modest gratuities can be offered at any time.
  5. All payments or gratuities must be worth their fair trade value.


Directions: Choose the one best answer to each question.
Question 7: Last month, the balance in Tisha's checkbook was $1219.17. Since then she has deposited her latest paycheck of $2425.66 and written checks for $850.00 (rent), $235.89 (car payment), and $418.37 (credit card payment).
What is the current balance in Tisha's checking account?
  1. $921.40
  2. $2,140.57
  3. $3,215.27
  4. $3,929.92
  5. $5,149.09
Question 8: Byron purchased a $5,000 certificate of deposit (CD) at his local bank. The CD will pay him 7% simple interest. How much INTEREST, in dollars, will Byron have earned from his CD at the end of a 2-year period?


Directions: Choose the one best answer to each question.
Questions 9 through 10 refer to the following letter of application:

June 24, 2002
Jonathan Quinn
Employment Director
Capital City Gardening Services
4120 Wisconsin Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016
Dear Mr. Quinn:
(1) I would like to apply for the landscape supervisor position advertised in the Sunday, June 23rd edition of the Washington Post. (2) My work experience and education combined with your need for an experienced landscape supervisor have resulted in a relationship that would profit both parties. (3) In May, I graduated from Prince William Community College. (4) Graduating with an associate of arts degree in horticulture. (5) My concentration within the program was designing gardens and choosing the appropriate plants for particular soils and regions. (6) I have also had considerable supervising experience. (7) For several years, I have worked with a local company, Burke Nursery and Garden Center, and have been responsible for supervising the four members of the planting staff.
(8) Our community knows that Capital City Gardening Services is a company that does excellent work and strives hard to meet the demands of its clients. (9) As my references will attest, I am a diligent worker and have the respect of both my coworkers and my customers. (10) I will be, as a landscape supervisor at your firm, able to put to use the skills and knowledge that I have obtained from my professional career and education. (11) I have included a copy of my resume, which details my principal interests education, and past work experience. (12) I have also included photographs of the landscape projects I have supervised as well as drawings of proposed projects.
(13) I am excited about the opportunities and many challenges that this position would provide. (14) Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Patrick Jones
1219 Cedar Lane
Manassas, VA 20109
Question 9: Sentence 2: My work experience and education combined with your need for an experienced landscape supervisor have resulted in a relationship that would profit both parties. Which correction should be made to sentence 2?
  1. insert a comma after education
  2. change combined to combine
  3. change have resulted to would result
  4. replace profit with prophet
  5. replace parties with party's
Question 10: Sentences 3 and 4: In May, I graduated from Prince William Community College. Graduating with an associate of arts degree in horticulture. Which is the best way to write the italicized portion of these sentences? If the original is the best way, choose option (1).
  1. College. Graduating with
  2. College, I graduated with
  3. College. A graduation with
  4. College. Having graduated with
  5. College with


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