2013년 11월 26일 화요일

DIS대구국제학교 기하학교과서 Larson Geometry

점 선 면 선분 다각형 조건문 연역법 귀납법 평행선 기울기 수직선 합동증명

이등변삼각형 수직이등분선 닮음꼴증명 직각삼각형 삼각함수 피타고라스정리

다각형의각도 마름모 평행사변형성질 도형의이동 행렬 도형작도 원의성질

현 호 내접원 입체도형의 부피 겉넓이...

중학에서 배우는 기본되는 내용으로 구성되어 있는데

대구국제학교(DIS) 학생들을 지도하면서 쉬운문제부터 심화문제까지

다양한 문제로 구성되어 있어 학생들 수준에 맞추어 선택해 가르칠수 있고

한국수학에 익숙한 미국유학 준비학생들은 이책으로 수학용어도 익힐수 있다.

The content of the student edition textbook for Larson Geometry provides practice of all Common Core Standards for Mathematical Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice, and assessment and intervention support needed to reach and teach all students. The curriculum is organized around families of functions, with special emphasis on congruence and similarity, properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. Students also develop problem solving skills by using length, perimeter, area, circumference, surface area, and volume to solve real world problems. The textbook provides differentiated instruction for struggling students, carefully constructed examples and practice for the majority of students, and demanding challenge exercises for more advanced students.

To help students prepare for standardized tests, Larson Geometry provides instruction and practice on standardized test questions in a variety of formats, including multiple choice, short response, extended response, and so on.

Each chapter of the student textbook for Larson Geometry begins with a list of the prerequisite skills needed for successful completion. Extensive problem exercises are provided including multistep problems, real world problems, multiple representations, and problems using alternative methods. Assessment tools are included in each chapter with three quizzes, a chapter summary and review section, a chapter test, and standardized test preparation and practice. The back of the Larson Geometry student textbook includes a skills review handbook, extra practice section, reference tables (including symbols, formulas, properties, measures, squares and square roots), English Spanish glossary, index, worked out solutions, and selected answers, which is the answers to all odd numbered problems from every chapter. Format: hardcover book, 1,124 pages. Copyright 2012.

Table of Contents:

  • Chapter 1 Essentials of Geometry
  • Chapter 2 Reasoning and Proof
  • Chapter 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
  • Chapter 4 Congruent Triangles
  • Chapter 5 Relationships within Triangles
  • Chapter 6 Similarity
  • Chapter 7 Right Triangles and Trigonometry
  • Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals
  • Chapter 9 Properties of Transformations
  • Chapter 10 Properties of Circles
  • Chapter 11 Measurement of Figures and Solids
  • Chapter 12 Probability

SAT ACT AMC8/10/12 국제학교영어원서 강의,

경시대회 성대 KMC 수학과학올림피아드

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