2013년 11월 25일 월요일

DIS 대구국제학교 수학교재 Pre-Transition Mathematics

정수 분수 소수 공배수 공약수 퍼센트 다각형 등식 통계

메디안 모드 히스토그램 좌표축 비와 비율 분수의 곱셈 나눗셈

여러도형의 넓이 부피 원의 넓이 원주 원기둥의 표면적 겉넓이

정육면체의 부피 표면적 원뿔 삼각형합동 대칭 직각삼각형...

수학공부에 기본되는 내용으로 구성되어있는데

대구국제학교(DIS) 학생들을 지도하면서 분량이 많아

고생했지만 매우 친절하고 쉽게 설명되어 수학적 원리를

이해하는데 도움이 되고 미국유학 준비중 초등 중학생 에


Goals and intended users: Pre-Transition Mathematics is the first book in the UCSMP middle/high school series. Its intended users are students who have already completed a solid fifth-grade curriculum, such as Everyday Mathematics 5, and are ready to tackle a sixth-grade curriculum; or students who have completed a sixth-grade course and need more work before proceeding to a pre-algebra/pre-geometry experience such as that in Transition Mathematics. The goals of Pre-Transition Mathematics are to take an in-depth approach to the arithmetic of rational numbers and to extend the basic ideas of algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics for students from Everyday Mathematics or to introduce these basic ideas for students from non-UCSMP programs who may not have been previously exposed to them. UCSMP provides a series of online demos designed to reinforce key concepts.

Main theme I: To achieve the understanding of arithmetic of rational numbers, students compute with, apply, and picture decimals, percents, fractions, integers, scientific notation, and powers. Special attention is paid to fractions and negative numbers. Students use the basic applications (models) of the operations to solve real-world problems and to see relationships between operations. Pre-Transition Mathematics encourages students to use geometric models in connection with algebraic formulas. Statistical ideas and probability also help students improve on their understanding of rational numbers.

Main theme II: Continuing the emphases of Everyday Mathematics, students of Pre-Transition Mathematics develop the basic ideas of algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. They continue to use variables in formulas in order to recognize patterns. Students are given the tools they need to solve simple equations and proportions. Using rulers and compasses and dynamic geometry software, students learn to work with the properties of angles, lines, and circles. Statistics continues to show ways to describe distributions and for comparing relative frequency and probability. Students see how to effectively create visual representations to solve mathematical problems using statistical, number line, and coordinate graphs.

Some distinctive lessons: Solving equations with fact triangles (4-7); Deciding whether a decimal terminates or repeats (7-7); Areas of frames and rings (9-5); Statistics from an experiment: Jumping frogs (13-3). A number of games are incorporated into the lessons; some are advanced versions of games students have seen in Everyday Mathematics, others are new.

Comparisons between this and prior editions: This course did not exist in earlier UCSMP editions.

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The UCSMP Third Edition curriculum emphasizes problem solving, everyday applications, and the use of technology and reading, while developing and maintaining basic skills. UCSMP Pre-Transition Mathematics is intended primarily for students who are ready for a 6th-grade curriculum. It articulates well with Grade 5 of Everyday Mathematics, Transition Mathematics, and Algebra. Pre-Transition Mathematics reflects the practice of identifying and working on uses of numbers and operations that characterized the Second Edition of Transition Mathematics. Fractions and percents are particularly emphasized.There is also a major emphasis on dealing with data and geometry. Algebra is integrated throughout the text as a way of describing generalizations, as a language for formulas, and as an aid in solving simple equations. The text is characterized by rich problems throughout. Learn more about this program by clicking on the E-Sampler, here.

For more information about Pre-Transition Mathematics visit McGraw-Hill Education (formerly Wright Group / McGraw Hill).

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