2013년 11월 25일 월요일

DIS 대구국제학교 수학교재 Transition Mathematics

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UCSMP Transition Math

  • Publisher: Wright Group 2008

1: Reading and Writing Numbers

UCSMP Transition Math

  • Publisher: Wright Group 2008

1: Reading and Writing Numbers

1.2: Positive and Negative Numbers

1.3: Rational Numbers and Their Uses

1.6: Order of Operations

1.9: Plotting Points on Coordinate Graphs

2: Using Variables

2.1: Describing Patterns with Variables

2.2: Translating Words into Algebraic Expressions

2.4: Expressions and Formulas

2.5: The Pythagorean Theorem

Distance Formula - Activity AGeoboard: The Pythagorean TheoremPythagorean Theorem - Activity APythagorean Theorem - Activity B

3: Representing Numbers

3.1: Decimals for Numbers between Integers

3.2: Equal Fractions

3.3: Adding and Subtracting Fractions

3.5: Fraction Decimal Equivalence

3.6: Fractions Decimals and Percents

3.7: Using Percents

3.8: Square Roots

3.9: Probability

5: Patterns Leading to Addition and Subtraction

5.2: Rules for Adding Positive and Negative Numbers

5.3: Models for Subtraction

5.5: Solving x + a = b

5.6: Solving x + a < b

5.9: Introduction to Constructions

5.10: The Triangle Inequality

6: Some Important Geometry Ideas

6.1: Translations

6.2: Reflections and Reflection Symmetry

6.3: Rotations and Rotation Symmetry

6.5: Angles and Lines

6.7: Properties of Parallelograms

7: Multiplication in Geometry

7.2: Multiplication of Fractions

7.4: The Area of a Triangle

7.5: The Area of a Trapezoid

7.6: Circles

8: Multiplication in Algebra

8.4: Multiplying Probabilities

8.5: Combining Percents

8.6: Solving ax = b

8.7: Graphing y = ax + b

8.8: Solving ax + b = c

8.9: Solving ax + b < c

9: Patterns Leading to Division

9.3: Division of Fractions

9.7: Proportions

9.8: Proportional Thinking

9.9: Proportions in Similar Figures

10: Linear Equations and Inequalities

10.2: Solving ax + b = cx + d

10.3: Graphing y < ax + b

10.4: Solving ax + b < cx + d

10.6: Graphing Ax + By = C

10.7: Time-Distance Graphs

10.8: Graphs of Formulas

11: Geometry in Space

11.1: Lines and Planes in Space

11.5: The Surface Area and Volume of a Box

11.6: Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders

11.7: Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders

11.9: How Changing Dimensions Affects Area

11.10: How Changing Dimensions Affects Volume

12: Statistics and Variability

12.2: Histograms and Stem-and-Leaf Plots

12.3: Properties of the Mean

12.5: Medians and Box Plots

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