2013년 11월 30일 토요일

UCSMP Pre-Transition Math


정수 분수 소수 공배수 공약수 퍼센트

다각형 등식 통계 메디안 모드 히스토그램 좌표축 비와 비율

분수의 곱셈 나눗셈여러도형의 넓이 부피 원의 넓이 원주

원기둥의 표면적 겉넓이 정육면체의 부피 표면적 원뿔

삼각형합동 대칭 직각삼각형...

수학공부에 기본되는 내용으로 구성되어있는데

대구국제학교(DIS) 학생들을 지도하면서 분량이 많아고생했지만

매우 친절하고 쉽게 설명되어 수학적 원리를 이해하는데 도움이 되고

미국유학 준비중 초등 중학생 에 적합한책이다.

Author(s): McConnell et al. Publisher: Wright Group 2009

1: Some Uses of Integers and Fractions

1.4: Mixed Numbers and Mixed Units

1.5: Equal Fractions

2: Some Uses of Decimals and Percents

2.1: Decimals for Numbers Between Whole Numbers

2.7: Converting Fractions to Decimals

2.8: Decimal and Fraction Equivalents

3: Using Addition

3.7: Sums of Angle Measures in Polygons

3.8: Adding Simple Fractions

4: Using Subtraction

4.6: Kinds of Angles

4.7: Subtracting Fractions

4.8: Solving Equations with Fact Triangles

4.9: The Addition Property of Equality

5: Statistics and Displays

5.1: Statistics

5.2: Calculating Statistics from Lists

5.3: Stem-and-Leaf Plots

5.4: Bar Graphs and Histograms

5.6: Line Graphs

5.8: Graphing Equations on a Coordinate Grid

6: Using Multiplication

6.2: Multiplying Fractions

6.5: Multiplying Decimals

6.7: Using the Percent of a Quantity

6.8: Order of Operations

6.9: Multiplying Mixed Numbers

7: Using Division

7.1: The Rate Model for Division

8: Ratio and Proportion

8.1: The Ratio Comparison Model for Division

8.3: Division of Fractions

8.4: Division of Mixed Numbers

8.5: Solving Equations of the Form ax=b

8.7: Solving Proportions

8.8: Proportions in Pictures and Maps

9: Area and Volume

9.2: The Area of a Triangle

9.3: The Area of a Parallelogram

9.4: The Circumference and Area of a Circle

9.7: Building Boxes

9.8: Surface Area and Volume of a Cube

9.9: Surface Area and Volume of a Box

9.1: Area and Operations of Arithmetic

11: Constructing and Drawing Figures

11.5: Angles and Parallel Lines

12: Exploring Triangles and Quadrilaterals

12.1: Congruent Figures

12.2: Congruent Triangles

12.3: Symmetry and Congruence


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