2013년 10월 24일 목요일

Platonic Graph

A polyhedral graph corresponding to the skeleton of a Platonic solid. The five platonic graphs, the tetrahedral graph, cubical graph, octahedral graph, dodecahedral graph, and icosahedral graph, are illustrated above. They are special cases of Schlegel graphs.

The following table summarizes the Platonic graphs and some of their properties.

graph G regularity V E |Aut(G)| Hamiltonian Eulerian vertex-transitive edge-transitive
cubical graph cubic 8 12 48 yes no yes yes
dodecahedral graph cubic 20 30 120 yes no yes yes
icosahedral graph quintic 12 30 120 yes no yes yes
octahedral graph quartic 6 12 48 yes yes yes yes
tetrahedral graph cubic 4 6 24 yes no yes yes

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